Friday, March 18, 2016

It's all happening

Fun fact: Almost Famous is my all time favorite movie, and Penny Lane is amazing. In the movie they say "it's all happening" quite often, and its one of the most simple lines, but the truest. Right now, I feel like life is just happening, in all the best ways.

Yesterday I officially accepted a position for my internship at the disability center on campus. The interview was a little intimidating, it was four people interviewing me at one time. Apparently that happens according to my mother, but sitting at a big table and four people listening to my every word, and then judging if it was what they wanted to hear. That was terrifying. :) But I made it in. Woohoo!

It is also officially spring break, not that it matters because I am spending the entire time catching up on homework, but I do not have to go to class. We also had to promise one of our professors we would not think about school for one whole day, so uh... we'll see how that goes. ;)

Also in life, democratic caucus is this week, and it is the first time I will be attending such an event. I am really excited to be more involved politically, because this has to be the most terrifying presidential race I have been witness to. Also, Bernie is coming Monday!!!! That I am super amped on. What a great experience to listen to a level headed and wise candidate, in person. I love that he added Boise to his campaign trail. Anyway, I am not going to get super political on here because I hate those kinds of debates, especially with friends, and some of y'all are down right crazy. So I am going to leave it at that.

Speaking of politics, I am considering applying to take on the opportunity for a leadership program, where I get to fly out to DC for a week and get to network with local legislators and other female legislators, get to do mock legislation hearing, and do a day at the US capital (Seriously if you guys could see my face right now, I am terrifyingly excited). How sweet would that be!?!?! We have to pay for our own plane ticket, but everything else is covered. Ah, the more I think about it, the more excited I get. I just have to do it. It will be one of the coolest things in the world (oh dear god I am nerdy). And if I don't get it, I am going to Mexico instead. Where I will lay on a beach and drink away my sadness in the glory of sunshine and the best place in the whole world... the ocean. So either way I win. :)

When we return from spring break, we have one month left in the semester. THATS IT! I feel like we just got started. How is it possible that I am so close to my dream of being a social worker, yet so far away?! I cannot wait for summer, but I also kind of just want to get the schooling over with and start my career already!

I am just so amped up I need to go focus on my homework now. Or I will ramble for an eternity. Guys, it really is all happening. <3

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